

Resumen científico.

Tiroglobulina y cáncer tiroideo humano.

Division of Endocrinology and Metabolism, Department of  Internal Medicine, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Chang Gung University, Taoyuan Hsien, Taiwan, ROC.  Thyroglobulin and human thyroid cancer.  Clin Chim Acta.  2008 Feb; 388 (1-2):15-21.
Tiroglobulina (Tg) es una molécula grande que contiene 2750 aminoácidos con un peso molecular de 330 KD y 20 posibles sitios N-ligados de glicosilación.  La expresión génica de la Tg está regulada por el factor de  transcripción 1 (TTF-1) y la caja Pax-8.  La Tg iodada es almacenada en el lúmen de los folículos tiroideos y es liberada  en respuesta a la estimulación hormonal específica por la TSH.  Siguiendo la reabsorción de la TG por los tirocitos y su subsecuente degradación, la hormona tiroidea triiodotironina (T3) y tiroxina (T4) son secretadas al torrente sanguíneo.  Mutaciones en el gen de la Tg causa defectos en la síntesis de la hormona tiroidea, resultando un hipotiroidismo congénito. El carcinoma tiroideo puede desarrollarse a partir del bocio dishormonogénico debido a la mutación de Tg.    Luego de una tiroidectomía, los niveles de Tg están asociados aparentemente con un pronóstico de carcinoma tiroideo papilar y folicular y puede predecirse tumores recurrentes  y potencial metastasis.  La detección por medios bioquímicos y moleculares de Tg tiene un importante significado diagnóstico debido a sus roles pleiotrópicos en la identificación de tejidos de origen tiroideos, diferenciación, y el seguimiento de un post-operatorio.


En inglés.

1- Boi F, Baghino G, Atzeni F, Lai ML, Faa G, Mariotti S. The diagnostic value for differentiated thyroid carcinoma metastases of thyroglobulin (Tg) measurement in washout fluid from fine-needle aspiratios biopsy of neck lymph nodes is maintained in the presence of circulatin anti-Tg antibodies. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2006 Apr; 91 (4): 1364-9.

2- Division of Endocrinology and Metabolism, Department of Internal Medicine, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Chang Gung University, Taoyuan Hsien, Taiwan, ROC. Thyroglobulin and human thyroid cancer. Clin Chim Acta. 2008 Feb; 388 (1-2):15-21

3- Rosario PW, Borges MA, Costa GB, Rezende LL, Padrão EL, Barroso AL, Purisch S. Management of low-risk patients with thyroid carcinoma and detectable thyroglobulin on T4 after thyroidectomy and ablation with iodine-131. Arq Bras Endocrinol Metabol. 2007 Feb;51(1):99-103.

4- Chia SY, Milas M, Reddy SK, Siperstein A, Skugor M, Brainard J, Gupta MK. Thyroid-stimulating hormone receptor messenger ribonucleic acid measurement in blood as a marker for circulating thyroid cancer cells and its role in the preoperative diagnosis of thyroid cancer. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2007 Feb;92(2):468-75

5- Smallridge RC, Meek SE, Morgan MA, Gates GS, Fox TP, Grebe S, Fatourechi V. Monitoring thyroglobulin in a sensitive immunoassay has comparable sensitivity to recombinant human tsh-stimulated thyroglobulin in follow-up of thyroid cancer patients. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2007 Jan;92(1):82-7

En español y portugués.

6- do Rosario PW, Borges MA, Alves MF, Purisch S, Padrao EL, Rezende LL, Barroso AL. Folow-up of high-risk patients with differentiated thyroid cancer without persistent disease after inicial therapy. Arq Bras Endocrinol Metabol. 2006 OCT; 50 (5):909-13

7- Casado-Martin F, Domínguez-Diez A, Fernández-Escalante JC, Vázquez-Salvi LA, Ruiz-Gómez B, Campo-Alegría L, Gómez-Fleitas M. Pulmonary and brain metastases from well-differentiated thyroid carcinoma. Cir Esp 2006 Jul;80 (1):49-51

8- do Rosario PW, Fagundes TA, Purish S, Padrao EL, Rezende LL, Barroso AL. Recombinant TSH in ablativo therapy and follow-up of patients with differentiated thyroid carcinoma. Arq Bras Endocrinol Metabol. 2005 Jun;49 (3):350-8.

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Funcionamiento normal de la tiroides

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Contiene: Prognostic and predictive factors. - Assessment of predictive values of tumor markers - Quality assurance of predictive markers in breast cancer. - Extraction of nucleic acid templates. - Microdissection and extraction of DNA from archival tissue. - Fluorescence in situ hybridization: technical overview. - HERS2 FISH in breast cancer.- Fluorescence in situ hybridization for BCR-ABL. - UroVysionTM multiprobe FISH in urinary cytology. - Chromogenic in situ hybridization in tumor pathology. - Comparative genomic hybridization in chronic lymphocytic leukemia. - Molecular characterization of human papillomaviruses by PCR and in situ hybridization. - A nested RT-PCR assay to detect BCR/abl. - TP53 mutation detection by SSCP and sequencing. - PCR diagnosis of T-Cell lymphoma in paraffin embedded bone marrow biopsies. - Circulating DNA analysis: protocols and clinical applications using Taqman assay. - Microsatellite instability: theory and methods. - The diagnostic and prognostic significance of the methylation status of Myf-3 in lymphoproliferative disorders. - Quantitative analysis of PRAME for detection of minimal residual disease in leukemia. - Determination of cyclin D1 expression by Quantitative real-time, reverse-transcriptase polymerase chain reaction. - Detection of telomerase hTERT gene expression and its splice variants by RT-PCR. - Detection of telomerase enzyme activity by TRAP assay. - Identification of TP53 mutations in human cancers using oligonucleotide microarrays. - Detection of K-ras mutations by a microelectronic DNA Chip. - Microarray-based CGH in cancer. - Tissue microarrays.

Endocrinology: basic and clinical principles. / Shlomo Melmed, P. Michael Conn. - 2nd ed. - Totowa, New Yersey: Editorial Humana Press. Inc. 2005 - xi, 440p; il.col.: 28,5 x 22,5 cm.

Contiene: Part I: Introduction. Introduction to endocrinology. Part II: Hormone secretion and action. Receptors: molecular mediators of hormone action. - Second-messenger systems and signal transduction mechanisms. - Steeroid hormones. - Plasma membrane receptors for steroid hormones in cell signaling and nuclear function. - Growth factors. - Prostaglandins and leukotrienes: locally acting agents. - The neuroendocrine-immune interface. Part III: Insects/plants/comparative. Insect hormones. - Phylohormones and signal transduction pathways in plants. - Comparative endocrinology. Part IV: Hypothalamic-Pituitary. Hypothalamic hormones. - Anterior pituitary hormones. - Posterior pituitary hormones. - Endocrine disease: value for understanding hormonal action. - The pineal hormone (melatonin). - Thyroid hormones (T4, T3). - Calcium-regulating hormones: vitamin D and parathyroid hormone. - Oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes in tumorigenesis of the endocrine system. - Insulin secretion and action. - Cardiovascular hormones. - Adrenal medulla (catecholamines and peptides). - Hormones of the kidney. - Reproduction and fertility. - Endocrinology of fat, metabolism, and appetite. - Endocrinology of the ovary. - The testis. - Endocrinology of aging.


Tiroglobulina y cáncer tiroideo humano.
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